FCC: 21 millones de usarios Voip en Estados Unidos

30 junio, 2010

De acuerdo a este reporte de la FCC DOC-299051A1.pdf existen más 21 millones de usuarios de telefonía IP en Estados Unidos. Pero lo más interesante es la segmentación por tipo de proveedor:

81% corresponden tienen el servicio dentro de algún tipo de paquete o promoción.

92% Corresponden a proveedores de  cable.

Para más información:  DOC-299051A1.pdf

Eight VoIP Providers Unite to Support HD Voice

22 abril, 2010

[post by: Ted Stevenson Voip Planet.com]

Eight companies—all providers of hosted IP voice and data communications—yesterday announced the formation of the Cloud Communications Alliance, a consortium of industry players that will drive development and adoption of the first nationwide high-definition enterprise voice and data network in the IP ‘cloud.’

The founding members of the Alliance include Alteva, Broadcore, Callis Communications, Consolidated Technologies Inc., IPFone, SimpleSignal, Stage 2 Networks, and Telesphere.

The Alliance members are, for the most part, regional providers, IPFone president and CEO Jonathan Lieberman told Enterprise VoIPplanet.com, but together, they will comprise a truly nationwide entity. The companies currently represent more than $100 million in combined annual revenue and collectively serve more than 110,000 business endpoints in the United States, according to Lieberman.

All the member companies have «five nines» reliability and redundant networks, according to Lieberman; all utilize the BroadSoft platform as their primary delivery engine; all use certified endpoints (from Polycom and Cisco), and «at the end of the day, we’re sharing best practices, and we’re looking to share some of our back office functions into a unified system that we can provide to the market,» he said.

The Alliance members will also cooperate on feature and application development—they are already developing plans for enhanced video conferencing capabilities—will pool their technical support resources and infrastructure, will support disaster recovery, nationwide, and, above all, will form a nationwide peering entity supporting HD (high-definition, or ‘wideband’) voice.

CCA member and Alteva CEO Bill Bumbernick said, «The Cloud Communications Alliance is not just about voice-over-IP, hosted PBX or unified communications. We’re introducing an entirely new way to build, deploy and scale enterprise communications systems that provide HD voice services along with a platform of advanced apps and features that allow businesses to work in ways they never imagined.